A sublime few days were had in the South of France 'en famille'. The weather was perfect, the bridal couple were sublime and the company was wonderful. The house we rented easily absorbed the Grand Clan of Egars, with a pool for the boys to frolic in and a large table on which to feed everyone.

A frenzied effort of flower-arranging, booklet binding and decoration of the marquise kept the Bride's family very busy for the days leading to the wedding but it is fair to say that many of the guests lent a hand. Busy hands got to know each other and set the tone for the Special Day.
The wedding day dawned and amongst others, two little flower girls made preparations for their special role.
Jane and Isabella were breath-takingly beautiful when they emerged in a froth of silk in cream and blue. Two deliciously shy little girls, causing a stir already in their lives with the beauty that they are radiating. This photo shows them walking down the road to meet the bride.

The groom waited patiently for a bride that dazzled in ivory lace and silk duchess satin and organza.

Aoife was easily one of the prettiest brides I ever saw.

And what a beautiful couple they made.
The party was uniquely catered for by Olivier Bontemps who created pure theatre with the wedding banquet in Aoife's French home finishing up with the pre-requisite French Crocque en Bouche which made its entrance over the heads of the guests flanked by flames.
It was a party none of us are likely to forget.
Jane is 4: June 21st, 2010
Bunting heralded the day.......
...we cut the fabric and made the invitations....
....made the cake......

and all that was left to do for a 4 year old girl and her party guests was to blow out the candles......
How I just love this baby girl who has grown into a spirited, energetic and enthusiastic big girl. How I thank God for her and her brothers and the joy they bring to us. How perfect and how loving she is. She opens my eyes every day to the beauty of life, pushes me to my limits and crushes me with how lucky we are to have our children. She amazes me with her perspective and twinkles with the unstoppable zest for living that blesses her.
Jane Marie Therese Egar - your character is this big, beautiful shadow of everything we are. Wow. It is an honour to hold in our hand the daunting task of being an example. To teach you everything we know. We want to raise a beautiful, confident, loving human being and we will do everything we can to try and ensure we can fulfill that goal. Know today and always how much I love you and enjoy you and your brothers. Know that today was an example of a day of when I felt so incredibly lucky and thrilled to be your Mama. xx