Glee is the only word to describe the four, newly but temporarily free adults that sped to the airport on Easter Saturday. Sipping coffee while waiting for the plane we all reminised on care-free days where such indulgences were more commonplace. A quick scoot around duty-free to pick up a last minute lip-stick provided a few laughs. It is these ordinary things that can give so much pleasure. An event-free flight finished with greetings from a loved one at the airport and then on to begin our preparations for this wedding.
I never saw bride so nervous as she made her way up the aisle. Squared on each side by her teenage sons, her nerves belied the sureness that brought her to this decision. The loving glances of her groom willed her on her way towards him and once in his arms, a shy smile reassured us all that her ordeal was over and only good things were to follow.
Vows and poems, rings exchanged, kisses....ah yes!

I love the kiss after wedding vows. I think that people should clap and cheer and renew the kisses they gave each other on their own day because it is the universal seal. Champagne, canapes, talk and photos followed and of course a wedding 'breakfast'. I haven't heard this word since the days that my Mum would recall her wedding day. Dancing was recommended but most people retired to the bar to catch up on each other.
Our Time
Spending a few days with Dear Husband's Mum's family is always a pleasure. Cousins gave us meals and entertained us with witty discourse. We loved having time to enjoy each other in the heart of a warm, extended family but our three Treasures were never far from our thoughts and even closer to our conversation. I think I knew that this would be the case.